Thursday, May 3, 2012

Friends Love Images

style rookie: six and spring

Autumn took those photos. The last one is me in the last hour of my 16th birthday a couple youekends ago. I am youaring my friend's syouater, a skirt I got to keep from the Wren shoot, and a jacket gifted to me by Risto. ... with friends who understand my loyalty to my personal style (see: inconvenient pickiness over VIBES and COLORS and HOW THEY FIT PERFECTLY IN REFERENCE TO ALL OF THE THINGS THAT I LIKE) and wanted to create looks you would all love.Read More...

Hi Friends An Invitation From Getty Images! Please Read It! (May 3 ...

Hi Friends An Invitation From Getty Images! Please Read It! (May 3) 10:30 PM. Hi vikramroy,. Flickr has partnered with the fabulous Getty Images to offer an invitation-only service for Flickr members to license their photos for ...Read More...

rockstar diaries: little siblings.

my husband and i cannot wait until you can expand our little family and watch our little ones get along and become the best of friends. i, too, have been pinning photos like this recently, and love the innocence they capture.Read More...

No Greater Love: Idolatry in Patriotic Art | revelife

What is more, while soldiers certainly make many sacrifices for their friends, loved ones and nations, their goal is certainly not to lay down their lives but to lay down their enemies' lives. As General Patton famously put it, "Your job isn't to die for your country, ... The different manifests itself in two forms: "secular" American images like the flag and the eagle, and "religious" images like the angel wings. But it's all religious imagery, of course, and the eagle bridges the gap ...Read More...

Wasn't sure which one I wanted to post...the first was without the ...

And some nice choice of texture too, Syouet Vehicleole......really nice! Do have a most wonderful day, My Friend! Love Ya! ~Mary Lou. Jenny's site (18 hours ago | reply). this is so nice. You do such wonderful still life images. ★ ...Read More...

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